The Power of Redirection


One of the most enticing aspects of challenging behavior is the want to take it head on.

The want to meet force with force and stop it dead in its tracks.

While this may be effective for some kiddos and even necessary when behavior is dangerous, other times this approach can leave you and your child frustrated and exhausted. 


This concept plays out daily with our toddler Callan.

Given the fact that he is 18-months old, has limited language and is too young to respond to rules or a sticker chart, his behavior is constantly communicating his wants and needs to us.

One of Callan’s favorite things to do is “help” clean around the house and at our gym. The vacuum, the mop, the broom, are all instruments of joy for him.  


At first this fixation was adorable. He would follow me around while I vacuumed and moped the floors at the gym with strong observational focus acting as my young custodial apprentice. 


After a few times of...

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